Friday, 30 December 2011


It was a bright early morning in a game reserve, as I wanted to enter, ‘’Hay guy where are you going?’’ said the kite. ‘’Don’t you know the animals are having their morning devotion? I won’t be surprised, we are not like you human beings who wake up having your day started with a lot of life worries’’. “I thank God” interrupted the peacock coming from the morning devotion together with the cow. “All the rich people in the world even Solomon wasn’t well dressed, as I am, even the best known designers like Nike, Adidas et cetera are not able to make a design as beautiful as this”.
“As for my shoes” the cow cuts in, “there has never being a fitting and life long lasting shoes in the world with all the leathers you have. So for all these and others we have to thank God before we begin the day. “Cow what are you waiting for? ‘’Said the Ant. “We have a visitor’’, he replied ‘’O man, I guess you are in search of what to eat? We ants, 

when we are hungry God asked you to throw down our food from your tables and left over which is more than enough for the day, ‘’and we are not lazy continued his elder brother for the rule still stands that he who doesn’t work shouldn’t eat.’’ The snake that was coming behind the ants and his best friend the donkey shouted, ‘young man I hope you’re not walking idly in this place? I learnt a lesson in the Garden of Eden, I was walking around doing nothing when the devil approached me and used me for that evil deceiving work that made me receiving a curse, from that time I have learnt not to be idle for an idle hand is the workshop of the devil.’
‘Roooaaarrr! ’ I trembled, ‘that is a lion!’ I lamented. Before knowing what was going on, he was at my back.
‘Good morning MR MAN’. Still looking ravenous, when the bible says ‘’the young lion lack and suffer want; it is for those who are disobedient. Remember the time of Daniel when he was thrown into our den, the Lion of the tribe of Judah roared and commanded us not to touch him, it was difficult but we obeyed. Afterwards the man was removed and replaced with a lot that we couldn’t finish that day. ‘Obedience is better than food and to hearken than the fat of Daniel’’’. Still afraid he might attack me, the locust just flew by and encouraged the lion saying ‘be an instrument in Gods hand and you will never be hungry. Several times when God wants to punish the people, like Egypt, he calls us His instrument and we eat all their green leaves as he commanded us’, with that the lion left. Still breathing a sigh of relief, the mosquito, bee, and bug just flew past saying ‘thou art worthy o Lord to receive glory, honor and power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created’ thinking about what they meant by this song, the pig came to my side and said, ’’God opposes the proud, but give grace to the humble, our fathers were arrogant and proud that was why God said they were unclean animals to the Israelites but when our generation came we sent delegations and asked God for forgiveness, he forgave us and told Peter ‘’never call unclean what I have called clean’’’’.
Amazed at that, the rat just ran into a hole with the rabbit after it, and the rabbit said ‘’don’t mind us, our generation was preserved in the flood in Noah’s ark by just obeying one rule ‘love your neighbor as you self.’’’ The rat peeped out of the hole and shouted ‘’yes o!’’ and they ran after each other again.
As I was going back home because it was dark, the olive tree in the garden touched me and said in its soft voice ‘’we trees are the only living things outside Noah’s ark in the flood that didn’t die, glory to God.’’
I was shaking my head in amazement with those challenges and going home when all the animals just came around and sang a send forth song for me. Guess what? ‘’he is a jolly good fellow/3ce so say all of us.’’ Will you go with me next time?

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