God: Give me Isaac!
Me: Why Isaac? Why not meet Abraham
God: You are Abraham
Me: Here you come, then where is Isaac?
God: Isaac? That gift, talent and the opportunities which you’re not entitled to because of your ‘’age’’, but I gave you, is he?
Me: So you are now collecting him back?
God: No! I’m saying sacrifice him
Me: Ok! Ok! I will gather and do just that now, is that ok by you?
God: No!
Me: Here we come again, what else?
God: I want you to sacrifice him at Moriah
Me: No, No! You are getting too far. Do you know what I have gone through to convince Sarah to allow me sacrifice him? I have to take him to Mesopotamia for God’s sake, Moriah is local, Old fashioned, too demanding and rugged. Sarah wouldn’t even agree to that, not even going.
God: She wouldn’t understand because she laughed when I wanted to give him to you she doesn’t have to go with you because she pushed you to having Ishmael.
Me: Alright, you won. Ok! You won
God: Remember it is cheerfully given Isaac
Me: Now, Moriah, I come alone without Sarah. I come, without Ishmael. I come, my servants. I come, let Isaac now be accepted.
God: Wait! He is a gift; that is, when I gave him, I knew I wouldn’t take him back
Me: So you are trying me, or should I say testing me?
God: No! I am God. I test no one
Me: So what’s your mission for bringing me all this way?
God: For you brought Isaac, not only that, but to this mountain, not minding Sarah’s idea of fashion and all sorts, or your desire for fame and some more, I am giving you this calf, as if that is no enough to sustain you all you all your life, I am giving you the ‘’whole earth”